Hi All I am starting this blog to document my fight against lyme disease. Lyme can be a tough battle to win. But i am willing to battle and win the war.
Hi, I just found your blog through one of your posts on Lymenet. I am going to start following your blog! I took keep a Lyme blog if you are interested in looking it is www.mylymediary.blogspot.com
I am currently being treat by a Kinesiologist frequency/vibration master. The treatment is done long distance (i know hard to grasp). So far i have had a few positive results.
I also recently bought the mrs2000. Its a PEMF device. Basically you lay on a mat a few times a day and it energizers every cell in your body to help heal any disease you might have. It works slowly.
Samento and Venus Flytrap daily
My Symptoms
Lower back pain TMJ Brain Fog Hip pain Pain through out my mid section slight knee pain joints crack slight lympth pain eye floaters Neck Pain and upper back pain Fatigue Muscle stiffness Pins and needle in my head at times Occasional dizziness cheat pains Ear sensativity Light night sweats once in a while Fear depression
How do you feel in your battle against Lyme Disease
Hi, I just found your blog through one of your posts on Lymenet. I am going to start following your blog! I took keep a Lyme blog if you are interested in looking it is www.mylymediary.blogspot.com